Saturday, 16 May 2015

Sam B - 100WC#32

The lego figure stood their staring at the black crow's clawed feet. There was nothing between the evil crow and the helpless figure except from some tiny pieces of rubble. The lego figure could not change her face because she only had one. The lego figure had been thrown outside onto a small tree stump. Unfortunately, a crow lived right next to the stump, which was unlucky for the lego girl. The crow glanced down at the little lego figure. It took two small steps and he was already lurching above the little thing. The lego figure slowly glanced up.......


  1. Sam, I like the evocative vocabulary such as 'clawed feet', 'helpless figure', 'glanced' and 'lurching', that you chose to use in this piece. Some different ways to start a sentence would make it an even more imaginative and interesting read. Keep it up, Sam.
    Lynne, Team100WC

  2. I agree with all the comments that Lynne has written and I also like the use of of 'unfortunately' and 'slowly'. I hope you enjoyed writing it too. Keep on entering the 100WC and I shall look out for some more of your work.
