Monday, 30 July 2018

The Magic Door by Bradley H

After the trouble with the pool yesterday, I got a new activity to do during summer. It was animal watching...I rarely do this and when I do it's probably at the zoo or something! One day my mum mentioned animal watching and that made me ask a very exciting question can we go the woods to animal watch? (Surprisingly she said yes!) As I got there I came across a glowing mist in the distance, all of a sudden I ran over there and in front of me stood a mysterious portal looking door. Do I go through it?

The Magic Door by Elizabeth M

"Can you take the dog for a walk?" asked mum. So, I grabbed his lead and started to set off for the woods. When we got to the woods I let him off his lead and he ran off. "Tommy, Tommy!" I shouted. I looked for 10 minutes and then .............. I found this random door - I don’t know who put it there, but I went in and there he was. I found him sat there but he was talking! I took him back through the door and he was not talking - he only talks in the magic room.

The Magic Door by Faith

In the middle of a massive peaceful forest in Nottinghamshire where only the sound of birds singing can be heard in the trees above belongs a magical purple coloured door. Very few people have ever found it as it’s in a secret location in the forest but after researching this no one seems to know who put the door there only that it’s been there for many years. Once found, if you were to walk through it you enter another world never to return that’s why not a lot of information can be found about it. BUT WOULD YOU DARE? 

Saturday, 28 July 2018

Summer special by Elizabeth M

At 6.55am I woke up and started to get ready to go. I was going on a new boat and we were going on a crystal-clear sea. When we got to the boat there were not many people. We jumped on the boat and set off. So, as I looked over the edge, I saw dolphins swimming under and over the boat. In the sea you could see starfish and a couple of stones on the soft sand. Then we turned back and you could see the amazing sunset. Then finally we got back and went home.

Summer Special by Harley

In summer I always go in my swimming pool which is as big as a trampoline. One morning I got up out of bed and I filled up my pool with ice cold water because of how hot it was. Then I realised last time I went in my swimming pool my dog put a hole in it so, as I looked over the edge, I saw that the pool was empty and I wondered what I could do instead of going in my swimming pool. I questioned to myself “why didn’t I just go to a public swimming pool.

Summer Special by Jack D

Long since that day of peril, death had came at a young age there laying on his back was my brother with a giant gash from his left shoulder to his right hip. since that day I have been tracing clues that his death wasn’t normal,for starters his eyes were closed signifying he had been asleep so following those who beared the same mark had led me to this a cliff on the outrim,of Scotland …so, as I looked over the edge, I saw…a crevice carved out of the cliff face a sort of skull but wasn’t human all had led to here a deep crevice.

Friday, 27 July 2018

Summer Special #1 by Bradley H

I am a boy who loves going out every summers day just to get into my swimming pool. Every day I usually find lots of little bugs floating across the top of the water. One day it was terrible weather outside and I was glaring out my window to see a huge figure approaching the pool...Suddenly I dashed outside and I was feeling quite brave so as I looked over the edge I saw an enormous black spider! As you may know I have a huge fear of spiders so I tipped the pool never to go near again...

Monday, 23 July 2018

Mystery by Faith P

So, as I looked over the edge, I saw what everyone was looking at and why everyone was in such a panic with fear. The edge of cliff side was so high, the ground was so uneven and jagged I wondered how a rescue could take place. We all felt helpless as more people came across to see what was going on. Suddenly we heard loud sirens and rescue vehicles appeared. The rescuers used ladders and ropes then altered them around. About an hour of working as a team there was a huge cheer and clapping from the crowd the little pug had been rescued such a relief.

Saturday, 21 July 2018

‘Achievements & Hopes’ by Jack D

This year in 6S I`m so excited for science because I think that we are doing chemistry and I hope that we can bring in our own experiments. Also I want to overcome my fear of spiders and fear of heights but at the same time not spend as much time away from my family. Most importantly I hope Mr Ball has a good time too, enjoys our company as a class and, takes pride in being my second male teacher. I hope I can get another trophy in between now and next year. I was really proud when I was awarded the I.C.T. cup. Good luck for next term and we will try our very best.

‘Achievements & Hopes’ by Scarlet P

This year I have achieved loads and I am really proud of myself, I have been to lots of sporting fixtures such as multi-sports and I got chosen to represent our school at the junior summer cup and Richmond came first! I was so happy. I have also done a dance competition with school and we went to Nottingham and then to Oxford for the national finals! Me and Ashlee H were the lead roles, we were super proud of ourselves. I hope to get even better at NETBALL and then get onto the girls netball team!

‘Achievements & Hopes’ by Taylor C

This year have achieved a win on Fortnite and it made me happy because I don’t have that many wins. I tried so hard for months and it was very hard because there are so many good players like Ali A, Myth and Ninja. I hope I get more wins because there is a new season and I have heard that the victory umbrella is amazing. If I get another win I will be as happy as a kid when they get a Christmas present. Some of my friends have the victory umbrella and say its multi-coloured.

‘Achievements & Hopes’ by Madi S

The achievement I am most proud of is: in one year I have reached my blue belt black stripe in kickboxing which, by the way, I am very good at! My aim is to achieve my black belt by 2020. My hopes are that in September I will take my 11+ and hopefully achieve a pass to allow me to go to the Skegness Grammar School where I want to study a lot more about different subjects for my hopes of being a great teacher, just like my amazing teachers at The Richmond School. I can achieve this! 

‘Achievements & Hopes’ by Harley H

I have achieved lots throughout 2018 such as coming 1st in 200m and 80m sprint on sports day, also I became part of an amazing football team which is named Swifts FC and it is an A league football team. My old football team was a C league which means I have improved a lot since I first played for a football team. 
I hope that in September I will pass my 11+ because of all the hard work I’ve put in. I hope I can become a house captain for Chapman because of my skills and dedication to sports.

‘Achievements & Hopes’ by Bradley H

I have achieved a lot of great things in this year such as my full dedication to football which has got me playing for an unstoppable team called the Swifts. I hope that one day I can be scouted and score the winning goal for England maybe in the World Cup ...
The 11 plus test is very important to me because if I pass I'll get the education I need to become a football player!!! Behaviour is something that people say I need to improve on so I've worked on it and managed to get to 100 dojos in class.

‘Achievements & Hopes’ by Faith P

So far in the year 2018 the achievements I have are, gaining move confidence in the water learning to swim as I was really nervous last year. I also achieved first place at sports day in 80 metres by practising at home and also I walked 10 miles along the coast which was a big achievement as I thought I would never make it. My hopes for the rest of the year are with lots of hard work and determination I can make those achievements to be proud of both at home and school in my last year at primary and beyond.

‘Achievements & Hopes’ by Clara

One of my most prominent memories of Year 6 is taking the 11+ and getting the results. I still remember the euphoric joy I felt when I first opened the letter that told me if I was going to my dream school or not. Reading the words, "I am pleased to inform you" and exploding with self-pride.  One of my other most memorable moments is getting my report for Year 6: which also contained my SATs results. I was so amazed when I discovered I had got a scaled score of 120 (the highest score possible) for all my tests.

Saturday, 14 July 2018

100WC#39 by Grace B

Today, I went to an art museum to look at this strange object that directors of the museum put there for special occasions. Today was a special occasion; it was the museum's 30th birthday. They had a big party and all of the people from our local town were there. It was a giant sphere which was made out of wood. It looked like bones; it featured many faces of the creators of the sphere, they were all different. 
Rumours are going around that the sphere is a legacy. The legacy is called the China Town's People Legacy, its life-threatening…..

100WC#39 by Clara

I curl up. My eyes hurt, my lungs burn. This must be what pure agony feels like. I want to stay like this forever. No emotions. No fear or pain. Just the feeling of being alive. So that is what I do. I stay like that. 
Hundreds of years pass. 
I don't seem to age. I don't feel, I only exist. People notice me, of course they do. 
After a while, they see me as something to use to their advantage.They start to pile their rubbish into me. Maybe one day they will accept me. Maybe, just one day.

Saturday, 7 July 2018

Leopard Tennis Shop Purple Grabbed, by Clara

As I was walking through the shop, looking for purple tennis racquets, I stumbled across a most magnificent sight. A stuffed leopard (which was orange, though I wish it was purple). I was admiring it when, suddenly, the leopard split in two, a hand grabbed me and I disappeared from sight. Travelling at -at least- 100 miles an hour, my insides churned and twisted. At the end of my descent into the Earth, I was greeted with a small group of people disguised in hooded cloaks. 
"Welcome," a deep voice echoed around a large empty cavern, "to your worst nightmare."