Saturday, 7 October 2017

The Animal Show by Darcie

Today me and my parents went to Mr Philadelphia’s Animal Show. There is always a category, like for example, last week it was a talent show and me and my mum watched it. Today it is a dress-up show, I’m dressing up Pringle (my dog) as a doctor. Once it was the same category as this week and we saw who won. His name was Sam and his dog was dressed up as a magician, and the dog was wearing glasses! 
Its time, my mum and dad sat in the audience screaming, '' You go girl!'' 
Everyone stared at me, '' What?''

1 comment:

  1. Hi Darcie,

    Great story! Excellent spelling and grammar throughout. Your story was very well structured. It also contained lots of great ideas, I especially like the name Pringle for a dog. Just one small thing: "its" should have an apostrophe. Other than that it was perfect.

    Michael (Team 100wc), Warwick, UK.
