Saturday, 16 June 2018

…however, she couldn’t believe what she had done…, by Clara

"It'll be alright," she whispered to herself comfortingly, rocking her knees as gently as a soft lullaby whistling in the wind.  However, she couldn't believe what she had done. It was a thing so terrible she certainly could not face her classmates the next day. Her breathing rose to a pace that even the fastest sprinter could not keep up with. Her heart rate soared. Her lungs burned and ached. Her muscles froze into place until she was paralysed. Forced to accept the fate she would have to face tomorrow morning. She would be ostracised, for answering wrong in class.


  1. A lovely entry. Great use of language, suspense and mystery. I wonder what she had done!
    Mr. M. (Team 100WC)
    Bedfordshire, UK

  2. wow! You have used outstanding vocab and really hooked me into your story. i would love to see what else you can do.

    Fairfield Intermediate
    New Zealand

  3. This story belongs to the best story for kids in the world!!
    I love it

  4. Really enjoyed reading this, your use of vocab and writing style is fantastic!
