Saturday, 29 September 2018

but it seemed to be going backwards, by Mason

So, the day started off like a normal day would until I looked at the clock. It looked normal but it seemed to be going backwards so I thought it was nothing but when I went outside. The whole world was backwards! How did it turn out like this I asked to myself? I went back inside and then turned the clock hand and... everything went back to normal so I went to school and guess what? The clock at school was backwards so I just left it and got on with my work. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mason,
    Well done on your piece, I really enjoyed it.
    I like the idea of everything going backwards, and especially like the fact that you could control time! I wonder what might have happened if you had moved the clock hands at school?
    Keep up the good work!
    Ciara (Team 100)
    Wicklow, Ireland
