Saturday, 25 November 2017

The Statue by Maddie

One stormy night, a monk was sat on a bench outside the town. He was all alone that night wondering if he would actually find true love. All of a sudden, a cackle sound came behind him, he quickly jumped off the bench and looked behind and saw nothing. He was intrigued to know what it was, so he followed the sound into the heart of the woods. There he was all alone in the woods and could see nothing. An evil witch suddenly popped up behind him and turned him into stone. The statue has been there ever since.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maddie,

    This is a clever story which you have written well in 100 words! I like your choice of words and your grammar / punctuation / spelling is accurate.

    Does a monk really have a 'secret' love?

    Keep writing!

    Steven Hales - Stiffkey, Norfolk, England - #Team100wc
