Saturday, 12 January 2019

Anissa - The light blinded him

On a lovely day, it was Tom’s birthday and he will get a surprise but he didn’t know what it’s going to be. His mum organised everything for the surprise. When they got there, Tom saw a light but he didn’t know why it was there. All of a sudden, the light blinded him so he stopped. It was a really bad experience and felt horrible. Finally, the light stopped and he saw that the light was coming from a train in a tunnel and now he knew the surprise was a train ride for the first time ever and ever.

1 comment:

  1. I'm off for a train ride tomorrow Anissa so your story came at just the right moment. I do hope I don't have a bad experience and feel as horrible as Tom did though! Where would you hope to go if, like Tom, someone was giving you the surprise present of a train ride?
    Well done and keep rising to the Challenge.
