Saturday, 12 January 2019

Today the light blinded him. by Harley

As I got up this morning I found myself in my room but it looked different (very different) it had stripes, spots and lots of other different shapes on it, my bed also had lots of shapes on it as well, it was starting to get a bit mysterious. I went over to my friend’s house and asked him if he could research some ideas of what happened to my bedroom. I asked him to come to my house to see it, so he did. He came in my bedroom and the light blinded him...

1 comment:

  1. Golly, so your room is still morphing into a different environment Harley. I'd love to know how it looked with all the blinding light! You would certainly want your friends over if it was constantly transitioning into something different. Although I think most of us rather like the security of the sameness of our bedrooms. You too?
    Thanks for sharing,
    Jackie (Team 100WC)
    New Zealand
