Saturday, 12 January 2019

Tom A - The light blinded him

Timmy went missing 9 days ago. Only I know what happened to him. He got separated from his parents when bird watching. He was in that forest for at least 4 hours and, as night fell, he started to feel nervous. Timmy needed to find shelter, fast! A layer of eerie mist began to form. Through the darkness, a huge house loomed with unnaturally bright lights on inside. He rushed to the door and knocked, no one answered, it just opened. All he saw was white, then nothing. The light blinded him, before swallowing him. Timmy was never seen again...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tom
    What a well written story this week. I loved the fact that only you knew what had happened to Timmy, it made me wonder what part you might have had in his disappearance.
    A great start to the new year,
    Miss T Team 100wc
