Friday, 24 October 2014

100WC#08 by Hannah M

One day I was walking through the forest when I saw a weird figure. I said, "It looks like it’s a statue of an old woman who always wears black and is kind of like a witch but not. I think she had family but she is dead now so they got someone to make statue of her to remember her  by. Every time they go for a walk they can just remember her but it is still a bit creepy so I would not like to walk past it, if I did I would leg it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Grace,
    Thanks for your entry in the 100WC. I like how your story gives reasons for the statue being there in the first place. Many of the stories I have read have the statue become some sort of monster but I haven't read one that reflects on the statue itself. Watch your verb tenses in your writing. At the beginning you are writing in past tense (e.g. was, saw). Later on though, you change into present tense ("it is still a bit creepy").
    Mr. Fischer (Team 100; Canada)
