Saturday, 11 October 2014

Suddenly I was able to see again by Harvey

I had an appointment at the opticians as my sight seemed to be going cloudy, and I was struggling to see and do things. The optician did some tests and made me an appointment with the hospital as I had something called a cataract. I had to have a short operation to correct It. The day came I was very nervous but knew I had to be brave as it would be worth it as my sight was getting worse. 
After the operation I opened my eyes and suddenly I was able to see again, I was so relieved it worked.

1 comment:

  1. Joe Pasternak (Team 100WC)

    Hi Harvey,

    You were very brave to go through with that operation and I'm delighted that it was worth it. You make good use of the prompt and put together a great story. You should be proud!

    Dublin, Ireland
