Saturday, 8 November 2014

100WC#10 by Kieran

I wondered where was I, then I realised I was in a cave full of MONSTERS! Quickly I hid behind a rock but it was too late, a monsters had tracked me down by my smell.
The monster roared, so loud that the other monsters had to put their thumbs in their ears. I pulled out a freezing cold sword and threw it at the monsters.
As it shivered, they (the monsters) fell to the floor. The monster (that was attacking me) ran straight at me, then before my eyes stood a portal, I had really got nowhere else but to go in there, so I did!

1 comment:

  1. A real swords and sorcery theme to your 100WC this week Kieran. A sense of adventure with lots of tension. I would have loved a description of the monsters to see what the hero was up against. How big were they? What sound did they make? What was their skin like? How many arms and legs did they have?
    Well done and keep rising to the Challenge.
