Thursday, 20 November 2014

100WC#12 He was shocked to find… by Mollie

He was shocked to find... An angry pack of cute Fluffy Unicorns, one of them jumped upon Nulth and at first started to pick him, despite being an evil emperor, Nulth could not help but laugh. At that moment the unicorn’s eyes turned red and started ripping his robotic arms and legs off and chewed the multi coloured cables. As Nulth cried in pain all that was left was a heap of cut cables, metal fingers, and circuit boards and that was the end of Nulth once and for all.

1 comment:

  1. Mollie,

    Thank you for submitting your work to the 100WC this week. I really liked the prompt this week, as it allowed everyone to be very creative in their writing. I loved how you tricked me into believing this was going to be a fun and happy ending with the unicorn! Also, an excellent ending, that paints a great picture of the end of Nulth.

    Mr. Wigmore (Team 100WC)
