Saturday, 3 November 2018

Jessica - Because I said so

One Halloween me and my friend went trick or treating on our own for the first time. Feeling scared and worried, we both took a deep breath and said, "We will be ok," not knowing what was going to happen next. After we had collected a few mouth-watering sweets we decided to go to one more house and then go home. "Knock, knock!" the old rusty door slowly opened, an old woman said in a nasty tone, "Go away little people." 
"Why?" we said in a scared voice.
The old lady lent over and whispered, "Because I said so."

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jessica,

    Great story! This is the most creative interpretation of the prompt phrase that I've seen- very well done. I like the way you incorporated Halloween into your story to make it topical. I especially liked your use of subordinate clauses at the beginning of sentences. It made them more interesting to read. Finally, I really like the way the 'old lady lent over and whispered, "Because I said so."'. Finishing on a short sentence was very effective. Keep up the good work.

    Michael (Team 100wc), Coventry, UK
