Saturday, 17 November 2018

Zuzanna - Bricks Gorilla Yellow Running Pretty

So, this morning I was told that we were going to move to a different house, one with yellow bricks, and I will have a pretty room. This house sounds amazing!
The next day, before we moved, we went to the zoo and we saw a very cute gorilla eating its fruit. My brother kept on wanting to go to the tigers so he went off running to them even though mum had said in a minute, and he got in big trouble.
Finally, we arrived at the house and I ran to pick one of the rooms and sleep in it. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello Zuzanna,
    Thanks for sharing your writing this week. I wonder if you need the word 'So' at the beginning?
    Moving house can be unsettling, but also fun, especially if you're the first to get the room you want!
    Jackie (Team 100WC)
    New Zealand
