Saturday, 10 November 2018

Tom A - …I wondered what was behind the door…

I stumbled through the gloomy corridor, hoping to lose my pursuers. I tried knocking down desks and lamps to stop them, but still they came. I turned a sharp corner, what a mistake! I was going to die, there was nowhere to run. Then, all of a sudden, a door came into view. I turned to see my pursuers still following. I flung open the door then barricaded it shut. Taking deep breaths, I saw another door at the far end of the room. I approached with caution. I wondered what was behind the door as I turned the knob...

1 comment:

  1. Great use of adjectives to build the mood and momentum of your story. From the very beginning, it is clear that you are being chased and have opened the first door in an effort to save yourself. I love that there is another door in the room and you've left me curious to know whether the next door leads to your salvation...or not....
    Well done!
