Saturday, 17 May 2014

…some of the words sounded like a foreign language… by Sarah

Some of the words sounded like a foreign language, I don't know how to say them and all that stuff is really complicated. So I just sat back and read my book but then the mean teacher said something to me about paying attention and listening or something like that. She was talking in a foreign language, very foreign. I decided I should just say I was ill and needed to go home to Mrs Baterlaxe my mean teacher. She said, "Okay Sarah you may go home!"
 That was the end of Mrs Baterlaxe's moaning for me and when I got home I did feel very sick indeed.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, Sarah,

    Apologies for the late comment on your work.

    I really enjoyed reading your 100WC this week. I recognise that feeling, not understanding what is being said in class!!

    I wondered whether it was language class or something else really complicated. I liked the way your writing made me think... Could you not understand because you were ill or were you ill because you'd lied to get out of class!

    Well done, keep up the good work :)

    Mrs Radd (Team100WC) Northamptonshire, England.
