Saturday, 13 October 2018

…it reminded me of a time when…by Eleanor

I walked into the forest it looked normal On the outside. When you got in, it wasn't. Bare trees swayed in the wind and mud lay on the floor. Out of nowhere wolves howled in the distance, then they came chasing after me and I knew what to do... RUN! I sprinted, faster, faster! It reminded me of a time when I was young when my friends chased me. I snapped out of it as soon as I heard them howl again. I ran on knowing this was the end, but it wasn't I barely escaped with my life, somehow.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Eleanor, I really enjoyed your story this week. You've used some great vocabulary and excellent descriptions. You've built up the tension in your story really well and the prompt fits seamlessly into your story.
    Great work.
    Ms Brennock
    Team 100 w/c
    Dublin, Ireland
