Saturday, 6 October 2018

Statues by Harley

These sculptures are animals that have been turned into stone because of what they did in there life-time (they did bad things.) Most of these animals have been in the same place because if one of them has been bad the others copy. These animals are located at a grave in Mexico, several people wonder what they are and it makes them thinks for hours. These animals can still feel, smell and do all the other senses but they can’t move and that makes them as angry as a red eyed evil bull. Maybe they will soon come alive?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Harley
    I like the way you have given some background as to why the statues are there and what had happened to them. I was a little concerned that they might just come alive again soon, especially as they were cast into stone as they had done something bad.
    Miss T Team 100wc
