Sunday, 24 November 2013

Neizan - Letter in a Bottle

Dear……………………. I know that you and all of the children in the Philippines have and still are having an extremely tough time there, most children have lost parents. If you are one of those children that have lost family and are feeling upset and absolutely heart broken, then read the rest of this letter and there will be something that will keep you moving on and try to not lose confidence ether. I hope that soon it will be back to normal. Reaching for your career goal, as this will make you exited for what is next in your life.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Neizan, you have shown an understand of the situation faced by some of the children.
    I am not sure about your last sentence, I think you need to add 'keep' to the start of the sentence or take out the 'as this'.
    Remember to check your spellings carefully and not just rely on a computer spell checker; ether should be either and exited should be excited.
