Saturday, 23 November 2013

Romola - Letter in a bottle

Hello I am really sorry for your terrible house loss. If I was in your position I don't know how I would cope and now I am going to give you a few tips I have learnt in some books I have read. First, all you need to think about is hope, you need to be hopeful and phenomenal things will happen, and because you were hopeful people started to bring you food and water. If you all gather up to rebuild your houses and after all the food comes and the houses are built the Philippines will be reborn.

1 comment:

  1. That's a really personal message, sending words of encouragement and hope to the people suffering in the Philippines Romola. Well done. I like that you mentioned some of the resources which have been sent, such as food and water. I wonder if you know of any 'experts' who have gone out there - people with special skills?
