Wednesday, 12 March 2014

...but when she lifted the lid... by Joshua

One day there lived a girl named Grace. She was very poor but very happy. She lived in a small cottage on the edge of London. One day she went up in her old loft to see if there was anything worth selling. She came across a brown dusty chest, she went over to take a closer look. When she went over and it seemed to be very dull, but when she lifted the lid she found that there was a million pounds inside and became a millionaire. She was absolutely gobsmacked. She then bought a bigger house and got to meet Queen Elizabeth the second.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joshua. This is definately what I would like to find as I lifted the lid! I wonder if Grace was still happy after she found the money? Often having lots of money can make people very unhappy. There's something to think about. Perhaps you could use your ideas to continue your story. Keep writing!
