Saturday, 22 March 2014

…look up! Can you see… by Giuseppe

Archie was in his bedroom playing on the Xbox when suddenly his friends came over. His friend Peter said, "Let’s go to the park on such a sunny day?"
"Ok" Archie said.
When they stepped outside there was no one on a beautiful sunny summer day, "Where is everyone?” said Chris.
“Nooooooooobody cares!" Archie said.
 It took them five minutes to get there they saw nobody it’s like the whole human species has gone. But suddenly an old scruffy man comes and said, "…look up! Can you see…?”

“What... What are you making us see old man?" said Peter. VSOOM a gigantic alien space ship appeared!

1 comment:

  1. Guiseppe -

    I certainly wasn't expecting an alien space ship at the end of that story: what a surprise! Maybe it would have been interesting to introduce the space ship near the beginning, and then talk about what it did to them, but you're the author, so you get to decide!

    Well done,

