Saturday, 29 March 2014

Night Zoo Keeper by Lili

When we went to the gates at the Land of Nilth it was a dark land, without any imagination or creativity and the monsters that live there want to destroy the Night Zoo. But we can't let them! We can't let them take away this magical world of endless possibilities; of Ice Jungles and Floating Mountains. So we both went and tried to defeat the monsters it was quite hard to kill them but in the end we did it we shined the light to make them blind and they fell to the ground and never woke. 

1 comment:

  1. This is an excellent story, so well done indeed. However, make sure you keep with the prompt: it was supposed to be an application for a job. The sentence “We can't let them take away this magical world of endless possibilities; of Ice Jungles and Floating Mountains.” Is absolutely spectacular, and you should be very proud that you have such great abilities.
