Saturday, 8 March 2014

Cinderella by Talia #24

Cinderella got the invitation from the prince but her mother said she couldn't go. So she called her friend up Snow White to come with the dwarfs right away! Cinderella’s step mother went to the ball with her daughters. As soon as they left Snow White came and was ready. They had to get to the ball as quick as they could, three minutes later they were there with everyone inside; the plan was going to work. “Right boys let's cover this palace with dynamite so we can blow everyone up!” said Snow White.

KAPOW everyone is dead.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Talia,
    Thank you for entering this week's 100 Word Challenge.
    I enjoyed reading your story.
    You definitely sorted out the problem of the stepmother and the ugly sisters!
    I like the way you mixed two well known Fairy Tales.
    Keep up the good work.

    Mary @ Team 100 WC
